Thursday, September 25, 2008

Blog #1 9.25.08

Chapter 11 -
CMC is predominant in my life, and I think we have reached a point in American Culture where: If one can afford the right media tools, they can literally have information immediately without ever contacting anyone.
I think that the introduction of the iPhone and companies focused on creating a virtual conference room for business is the sign of different times.
I know that the first time I had a phone interview, I thought it was so interesting how I was able to interview in shorts and a tee-shirt, and still get the job. You cant really get a job in shorts and a tee-shirt interviewing, unless the face-to-face interaction is removed from the communication structure.
Through reading the Media richness theory(138) I really thought about how much technology and changed the way people communicate everyday. Just on the shoe 'The Office' tonight, Jim and Pam's relationship has become long-distance, and Jim is attempting to communicate with Pam over a webcam on his laptop because he desires that non-verbal contact and interaction. It was really interesting to read about CMC and Media richness theory, then see something on TV that really spoke volumes about it. Even though Jim was trying to retain that part of their relationship of visual though media, Michael was still able to mess it up (he ended up taking the laptop and walking Pam around the office.
I think that CMC is something that this generation and future generations will have to work with and accept. I know that I still enjoy a face-to-face conversation because their is so much that goes into reading the non-verbal and really knowing what to say and how to say it to someone.


COMM Aficionado said...

I think you are very right in the sense that CMC has replaced many facets of American Culture today. It's funny because it's almost like a blessing and a curse at the same time! I mean, how many times have you gotten a text message, and you love it because it's convienent... and then you hate it at the same time because sometimes that's ALL the person may use to communicate with you.

But on the note of job interviews and CMC in the work place, the technology sure makes it convienent... but let's say for an interview situation, although email is a great way to thank someone for meeting with you, there's nothing that beats an 'old-fashioned' thank you note via snail mail. Something about it is so much more personal and sincere.

Tornn said...

Personally I'm surprised our culture has allowed CMC to replace so much of the face-to-face communication that was so important before. I feel like we are breeding a great deal of socially challenged kids because none of us are used to interacting with people face to face.

Every day I'm becoming more and more reminded of the film Idiocracy because I see so many people having difficulties communicating and understanding whats going on around us because we're always glued to a game, tv show, or the internet.

While CMC may be very positive for some situations, face-to-face interaction needs to continue to dominate work and school cultures or we are going to be training a bunch of socially challenged people.