Friday, September 5, 2008

Blog #2 9.5.08

Chapter 1 discusses the speech communication and thought process of Determinism vs. Free Will.
After reading this earlier in the week, I decided to pay close attention to the way my co-workers and I communicated what happened throughout our day. I have been proactively trying to speak in a more Free Will tone. I feel that this is what managers want to hear their employees speaking like. Being self-motivated and proactive is one thing, but speaking like you are ‘the master of your fate and the captain of your soul’ (17) should be a major plus in a managers eyes.
I have also learned that speaking this was has forced me to be more accountable for my actions. It is harder to pass the blame or to act as if I didn’t know what the policy or procedure was when I am speaking as if I knew exactly what I was doing.
When I have been public speaking or presenting I have been using this form of communication saying, ‘I decided to…’ and ‘The reason we chose to…’ and I feel that it exudes confidence and shows that my group and I are self-assured. I think by continuing this type of speech it could possibly help me be a candidate for promotion as well as put my customers and clients at ease and to have faith that I know what products and services are best for them.
One major factor is making sure that I don’t sound too confident or arrogant. So, when I am speaking like this, I am doing my best to make sure that I am using it in the best context.

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