Saturday, November 1, 2008

Blog #2 11.01.08

McCombs Interview:
I really like the conversation around media and its effects. I worked at a newspaper for a while and it was very interesting how the writers decided on what stories would be printed in the paper.
I would hear them hash out what the target demographic of the newspaper was, and how the story was relevant to one of those particular readers.
I really like the quote that McCombs has that says "Don't tell us what to think, but what to think about." I can really see that in the newspaper media I worked at. There would be an un-bias opinion (most of the time) and facts around the story.
When McCombs started talking about the bias, or lack there of, I was surprised that he felt that the lean was more on the conservative side. But as he said himself, there hasn't been the right research around the bias in the media.

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